Dr. Seema Singh

Consultant Surgical Oncologist

Dr. Seema Singh

Dr. Seema Singh is presently working as a Principal Surgical Oncologist in the Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. She had previously worked as a Consultant Surgical Oncologist at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute Research Centre (RGCIRC).  Dr. Seema Singh is an alumnus from the prestigious Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi & has earned her MCh. (Surgical Oncology) from Institute of Rotary Cancer Hospital, AIIMS, New Delhi.

Dr. Seema Singh specializes in Surgical Oncology and has gained valuable experience treating various types of cancer, such as ovarian, breast, gall bladder, head & neck, and uterine cancer.

Dr. Seema Singh is a life member of A.S.I. India and a member of A.S.I. Delhi & the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology. She has worked in various premier institutes in the city and is also a member of the Association of Basic Sciences. Dr. Seema Singh believes that with proper awareness, one can accelerate the victory over this dreaded disease.

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best breast cancer doctor ghaziabad

Expertise Meets Compassion - Healing
Lives One Step at a Time

Experienced Surgical Oncologist

With 14 years of experience in surgical oncology, Dr. Seema Singh was formerly at AIIMS Delhi and is now a consultant at RGCIRC.

Comprehensive Cancer Care

Our experienced staff will support you throughout your medical journey, ensuring you receive the utmost care in treating cancer.

Cost Effective Services

We believe in providing accessible treatment options without compromising on quality.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your body is made up of cells. Usually, these cells grow, divide, and eventually die, making room for new ones. But sometimes, some cells start to change in a bad way. Instead of dying, they grow and multiply too much, forming a lump called a tumour.

    Tumours can be two types: one that is not harmful (benign) and another that is harmful (malignant or cancerous). The dangerous tumours can attack and damage the healthy parts of your body. Moreover, they can spread to other places in the body, creating new tumours there. This spreading is called metastasis, and it’s a sign that the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

    Cancer is a genetic disease because it happens when certain genes in our body go through changes or mutations. These gene changes make our cells act strangely and not function properly. Some of these mutations can be passed down from our parents (about 5-10% of cases), but most of the time, they happen during our lifetime because of factors other than genetics.

    Stage 0: At this stage, cancer is still in the place where it started and hasn’t spread to nearby tissues. Stage 0 cancers can often be cured.

    Stage I: This stage usually means there is a small tumour or cancer that hasn’t deeply grown into nearby tissues. It’s also known as early-stage cancer.

    Stages II and III: In these stages, the cancers or tumours are larger and have grown more deeply into nearby tissues. They may have also spread to nearby lymph nodes, but haven’t reached other organs or parts of the body.

    Stage IV: Cancer in this stage spreads to other organs or parts of the body. It’s sometimes called advanced or metastatic cancer.

    Whether a person can be completely cured of cancer depends on various things like what type of cancer they have, how far it has grown (the stage), the available treatment options, and other factors. Different cancers have different chances of being cured. It’s essential to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all cure for cancer. Each type of cancer requires its own specific treatment plan.

    Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of body cells that invade the surrounding normal tissues. If not checked in time, it will spread to distant organs.

    There is no single cause of cancer. Doctors believe that cancer is caused by a combination of many factors. The factors involved may be the individual’s genetic, environmental or physical characteristics.

    Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the three main cancer treatments. Cancer patients may receive any or all of these treatments. When choosing a treatment plan, the most important factors are usually the type of cancer and the stage (amount) of the cancer.

    Can injury cause cancer? It is a common myth that injuries can cause cancer. But the truth is that falls, bruises, fractures or other similar injuries have nothing to do with cancer. Sometimes a person may see a health care provider for what was believed to be the cause of injury and cancer at the time.

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